
AddventurepriseTM is a firm "Born to Enterprise and Living to Adventure". It's core activity is 'Executive Investment' and passionate service is a counselling and consultancy for aspiring small entrepreneurs.

For most of the first generation entrepreneurs, starting and setting up a new business itself is an uphill task. Almost every such person has lot of doubts, confusions, dilemma and questions.

Of these first time entrepreneurs, most of the people try to find answers to their questions by online search and reading; some will jump start their venture and learn as they go on; some other will have mentor, mostly a good friend or family member; very few will find a chartered accountant (CA) or a Company Secretary (CS) or an experienced business person they know to guide them.

Well, they are good but each one have their own limitations and any entrepreneur relying on any of these resources will feel as though he is 'missing something' but has to continue as he / she don't have any other choice. For example, any book or article on the internet will not give answers to all the questions specifically an entrepreneur has (as it is one way communication); learning everything oneself after getting in to the 'water' mostly costs time and money (wasted on errors); help from a mentor gives lot of moral support but many a times lacks overall help needed in different areas of business; a professional CA / CS is an expert in legal / technical matters but can't help so much in 'art' part of the business or in framing a business strategy.

Then there are few consultancy services which offer most of the services needed by a start-up entrepreneur but mostly charge a high fees that is a bomb!

Frankly, we ourselves have gone through all these and tried each of these at some point of time. We felt, now after lot of experimenting we have fairly learned start up essentials, we can simply focus on our ventures. However we felt, for the benefit of other entrepreneurs who are trying to re-invent the wheel, we should offer some of our expertise by dedicating a portion of our time, with the sole intention of nurturing entrepreneurship.